Guidance and resources to help council co-opt new councillors. In the immediate period after an election some individuals elected may have a change of mind or their personal circumstances no longer work with being a councillor. Your council may have had an uncontested election too, with vacancies known before 2 May 2024. Find out what options council have to fill any casual vacancies.
Post Election 2024
Don't forget to scroll down to all the different sections full of resources!
This page is one single space where Clerks can access handy templates, briefing notes and resources to help in the immediate period after 2 May 2024. Councillors legally take up their roles on 7 May and this is when a number of key processes and activities need to take place ahead of the Annual Meeting of Council.
Election 2024 Timeline at a Glance
11 - Publication of Notice of Election and pre-election period starts
12 - Delivery of Nomination papers commences (by appointment—see appendix)
5 - Deadline for delivery of Nomination papers (4:00pm)
5 - Deadline for withdrawal of Nomination papers (4:00pm)
8 - Publication of Statement as to Persons Nominated (4pm) - this is the point at which all parish and town councils know if they will have a contested or uncontested election. Also - whether they are inquorate (0-2 candidates)
16 - Deadline for receiving applications for voter registration.
17 - Applications to vote by post close at 5:00pm
24 - Applictaions to vote by proxy close at 5:00pm
2 - ELECTION DAY (7am to 10pm)
5 - Parish and Town Councils - Vote Count from 9:30am
7 - Existing councillors retire from office. Newly elected councillors and those from uncontested elections take office. Start getting declarations of acceptance of office signed in presence of the Clerk.
7 to 10 - Councillors to have signed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office in the presence of the Clerk ahead of the Annual Meeting of Council. (not mandatory but good to get the process started and also issue Register of Interest links)
13 to 23 - Window during which the Annual Meeting of Council must be held in an election year
1 June - Last day for the receipt of Candidate Election Spending returns for parish elections—candidates will receive instructions of this process.
1 June - Deadline for councillors to have submitted their register of interests online.
Presentation Slides from the 16 April Clerks' Final Briefing: Just for Clerks - 2 May 2024 Final Briefing
Guidance and templates for the acceptance of office by the Chair and fellow councillors. It's important that this legal requirement is completed in a timely fashion to avoid councillors disqualifying themselves before they've even started!
Information and guidance on the administration of the process for Clerks and supporting resources for councillors. If you are a new Clerk - this is essential reading for when you appoint new councillors either on election day, via a by-election or through co-option. For existing Clerks - this might just be a good refresher of a key process you are an important part of.
Quick guide to what is available and when for your new councillors and also for those wanting a refresh on key topics as the new council term starts. There are a series of 1 minute videos covering the course contents and our offer for clerks to undertake free e-learning modules is ongoing so you know what your councillors will be getting - don't miss out!
Often referred to as the 'AGM' (which it shouldn't be!) - the Annual Meeting of Council, to give it the correct name, is the meeting that sets council up for the new year ahead. Importantly, it helps council deliver key duties it is obliged to do in law.
2024 Councillor Induction Pack
Getting councillors settled in and understanding how council works and operates is really important. Equally, councillors need to know how they must conduct themselves and contribute to the decision making process. Having an induction plan / checklist can help Clerks make sure everyone gets the same message, both for new and returning councillors.