Environmental Awareness Essentials

Environmental Awareness Essentials

50 Minutes

The climate emergency is headlining the news, yet the catastrophic consequences reported can feel very distant. All too slowly we're learning that a healthy environment is essential to our survival, and to the future of our planet.

While many individuals and businesses alike are trying to operate more sustainably, we often miss simple opportunities to make a positive impact on our environment - not because we don't care, but because we lack awareness. Doing our bit to safeguard our future starts with expanding our knowledge.

By the end of this course you will:

  • Recognise the benefits of a greener approach to your working practices
  • Know how positive action in the workplace can make a difference to our environment
  • Take steps to reduce the negative impact your workplace can have on the environment
  • Make waste management choices that are better for the planet


Event Information

Event Date Go at your own pace
Registered 0
Price £14.00
Location Online
Categories Councillor Online Courses, Clerk Online Courses, Council Employee Online Courses



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