Leadership in Challenging Situations

Leadership in Challenging Situations

60 Minutes

This module is designed to provide Clerks, Council Officers and Councillors with an introduction to the skills needed to be effective leaders in the different roles we have, and the different situations we face, in our local councils.

We will:

  • explore the ways in which all of us have leadership roles in our councils, whether we're aware of it or not.
  • consider a range of different leadership styles and explore when different leadership styles and approaches can be effective in different situations
  • explore the related concepts of active listening and giving effective feedback, which are two core skills required to be an effective leader
  • consider the importance of effective teamwork how to get the most out of people you work and engage with across the council

After completing this course, learners will be able to:

  • Understand what qualities make for both effective and ineffective leadership.
  • Explore the skills required for effective leadership in each of our roles.
  • Consider the types of situations within our local councils that require us to make use of leadership skills.
  • Develop a basic understanding of leadership styles and approaches.
  • Understand how to approach difficult situations
  • How to get more positive outcomes from people we work and engage with.

Event Information

Event Date Go at your own pace
Registered 3
Price £16.00
Categories Councillor Online Courses, Clerk Online Courses, Council Employee Online Courses



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