
GRANT NEWS | Veolia Environmental Trust

Veolia Environmental Trust is offering grants to constituted, not-for-profit organisations, local authorities, and environmental bodies enrolled with ENTRUST.

Grant Overview

Veolia Environmental Trust is offering grants to constituted, not-for-profit organisations, local authorities, and environmental bodies enrolled with ENTRUST to support projects that make improvements to community facilities and the natural environment in communities located near qualifying Veolia sites across England.

The Trust is looking for projects that:

  • Protect and enhance biodiversity and natural habitats.
  • Inspire the creation of a sustainable carbon-neutral space.
  • Promote community action and well-being.
  • Are inclusive and accessible to everyone and anyone to use.

The following grants are available:

  • Community Grants between £10,000 and £75,000 for capital improvement/construction projects at a single site, such as community buildings and spaces, outdoor spaces, play and recreational spaces, or installing fixed items such as kitchen cupboards and work surfaces. 
  • Habitat and Biodiversity Grants between £10,000 and £75,000 for projects resulting in structural improvements for a single habitat that will conserve, restore, and enhance threatened habitats and protect/increase biodiversity.
  • Environmental Improvement Grants start at £75,000 for ambitious and imaginative projects that will make a local, regional, national, and global impact on the environment by protecting and expanding threatened habitats and increasing biodiversity.

There are typically four funding rounds per year.

The next deadline for applications is 3 October 2024 (noon).

Related funds



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