Personal Safety Essentials

Personal Safety Essentials

45 minutes

Personal safety awareness training is very effective in reducing violent and aggressive incidents in the workplace and beyond. Staff can benefit from this course’s advice at work and in everyday situations. Throughout the course there are tips and strategies to be more safety conscious, to help employees minimise their vulnerability and enable them to avoid situations and environments that might place them at greater risk.

This course aims to raise awareness of common risks to personal safety and offers strategies that can help you minimise your chances of becoming a victim of crime. It includes a range of learning activities to help you increase your awareness of personal safety issues.

By the end of this course you should be able to:

  • Recognise the importance of confidence and preparation in staying safe
  • Understand how reducing ‘opportunity’ for criminals increases safety
  • Avoid situations and environments that may place you at greater risk
  • Practice safe behaviours at work, home, in public, and while travelling
  • Know what to do if you feel unsafe or become a victim of crime

Topics explored in this course, Personal Safety Essentials:

  • Personal safety in the UK
  • Your work environment
  • Lone working risks and safety measures
  • Travelling safely for work and pleasure
  • Dealing with incidents
  • Home security
  • Staying safe in public spaces

Event Information

Event Date Go at your own pace
Registered 19
Price £14.00
Location Online
Categories Councillor Online Courses, Clerk Online Courses, Council Employee Online Courses



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